
The Lower Schuylkill; Philly's Next Development Fronteir?

Harris Steinberg of Penn Praxis is calling attention to what he tags, an area full of mystery and promise, the Lower Schuylkill.  He spoke of the enormous potential these 4,000 industrial acres has to offer in contributing to sustaining the environmental and economic future of Philadelphia and the region beyond.  the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, Commerce Department and Planning commission have been jointly developing a plan for the Lower Schuylkill since November.

With over 68% of the city's vacant or underused industrial land, and excellent transportation access, the district rests between two development hotspots: the Navy Yard and University City.  Steinberg paints a bright future for the Lower Schuylkill, imagining an elegant 21st-century landscape of new industrial, office, and research buildings, historic industrial structures, sweeping recreational amenities, environmentally sensitive wetlands, and beautifully engineered bridge crossings.

58th street Bartram's Garden Development 

Steinberg also imagines state-of-the-art research and development facilities that build upon Philadelpjia's leadership in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and life-sciences industries lining the riverfront, complete with the extension of the Schuylkill River Trail and parks that manage the flood prone areas storm water issue.  He believes this area has the potential to become a clean, green, urban machine that will power the economic engine of Philadelphia well into the 21st century.

Gray's Ferry Development